Company Secretary Career

The growth and expansion of corporate sector due to liberalization and globalization has resulted growth in demand for specialists in almost every sphere. Company Secretary is such a specialized professional. A company secretary is one who is responsible for efficient management of the corporate sector and act as an advisor in legal matter. He co-ordinates various departments of the organization, ensures compliance of company legislations and advises directors on statutory requirements of the company. Apart from this, he also looks after finance, accounts, legal, personnel and administrative functions.
Courses Detail

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) regulates the profession of Company Secretaries in India. It offers a three-stage course to qualify as Company Secretary. The Foundation Course is of 8 months that can be joined after 10+2 examination. After this, one can only be enrolled to the Intermediate Course, which is of 9 months. The last stage is the Final examination after which candidates required to undergo practical training. Thereafter candidates become eligible for Associate Members of ICSI.
Career Prospects
As per the Companies Act 1956, a statutory requirement is that big companies are required to appoint a Company Secretary while the small companies are required to engage the services of a CS in whole time practice. In addition, the companies seeking listing on stock exchange are required to have a full-time qualified company secretary. Hence, there are ample career opportunities for Company Secretaries. A Company Secretary can aspire to get employment opportunities in government accounts as well as in law departments. Most of the qualified company secretaries can find well-paid positions in the public sector and corporate sector, banks and financial institutions, stock exchanges, company law boards and government departments. Exposure to detailed study and practical training in various fields adds to versatility of a company secretary. Small firms usually employ company secretaries on retainership basis for professional advice and support e.g. licenses, registrations, loans, taxes, partnership deeds etc. There is plenty of scope for specialization and moving into general management and administration at the highest level in business houses or CS firms.
Institute Offering
The Institute of Company Secretary of India is the only recognized and professional institute to conduct and regulate the course of company secretary. The institute has it’s headquarter at New Delhi with other three branches at Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta.
Company Secretariship is a well remunerated career option because of its multifaceted nature. For those who are employed in public and private sector should expect 10000 to 15000 per month at junior level and 30000 to 35000 at senior level. Company secretaries preferring foreign companies can have even higher. Besides this privately practicing C.S are also getting good returns depending upon numbers of clients they have.
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