A Nice Collection of Motivational SMS and Quotes

Typographic quotation marks (top) versus strai...
Typographic quotation marks (top) versus straight quotation marks, or "dumb quotes" (bottom). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A psychological feature and an internal process that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors is called Motivation. Motivation, like intelligence, can’t be directly observed, Instead, can only be inferred by noting a person’s behavior.

Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge or working hard to succeed.

Here is presented a collection of motivational SMS and Quotes. 

Never hold yourself solely responsible for any misfortune in life because 
no single raindrop is ever alone responsible for any flood. 

Think of the things that make you happy, 
Not the things that make you sad; 
Think of the fine and true in Mankind, 
Not its sordid side and bad; 

Nothing is predestined: 
The obstacles of your past can become 
The gateways that lead to new beginnings! 

Imagination is more important than knowledge. 
Knowledge is limited. 
Imagination encircles the world. - Albert Einstein 

Take a bowl, put all your mistakes in it, mix them well. 
This collection of mistakes is ... EXPERIENCE!!! 
Don`t worry about what you have mistook think about the experience u got!! 

Someone that you don't even know exist; loves you. 

Dream is Not that What You See in Sleep, 
Health (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012)
Dream is The Thing Which Does Not Allow You to Sleep..!. - Abdul Kalam 

Trusting God won't make the mountain smaller but it will make climbing easier.
 Hope you will be able to climb all your mountains always. Good Luck 

The most important thing about motivation is goal setting. 
You should always have a goal. 

Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy U, 
But to help U realise ur hidden potential and Power, 
Let Difficulties know that U too are DIFFICULT. 
Good luck 

The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may 
also be the beginning. 

Winning horse doesn't knows why it runs in the race, 
It runs because of the beat and pains
Life is a race,god is your rider, 
So if u r in pain then think, 
Gods want you to win

If you always put limits on everything you do, 
Physical or anything else. 
It will spread into your work and into your life. 
There are no limits. There are only plateaus, 
And you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. 

Nothing of great value in this life comes easily. 
The things of highest value sometimes come hard. 
The gold that has the greatest value lies deepest in the earth, 
As do the diamonds. - Norman Vincent Peale 

Failure is simply the opportunity 
To begin again, 
This time more intelligently.
Anything is more important 
When you can not get it. 
When you can get it 
This is less important for you. 
This is nature of every human. 

The whole secret of a successful life 
Is to find out what is one's destiny to do, 
And then do it. - Henry Ford 

A superior man is modest in his speech, 
But exceeds in his actions. - Confucius 

When God gives us NO for an answer. 
Keep in mind that there is a much greater YES 
His NO is not a REJECTION. 

Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate
 pleasures for long-term values. - Joshua L. Liebman 

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you
formula for failure--which is: Try to please everybody. - H B Swope 

The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world.. 
All we have to do is to free them from the chains 
that we have put around them. - Muhammad Yunus 

Better be careful 
About you like to get in life. 
Otherwise you will have to like 
What you get in life. 

Learn from yesterday, 
Live for today, 
Hope for tomorrow. 
The important thing is 
To not stop questioning. 

Everything that is happening 
At this moment is a result 
Of the choices you've made in the past.

A fantastic quote for life: 
Satisfy the person who expects from U, 
Rather than surprising the person who never expects anything

Change is the law of life. 
And those who look only to the past or 
Present are certain to miss the future. - John F. Kennedy 

Pathar pani main na pheko 
Usse koi aur bi peta hai, 
Zindagi jeeni hai to has kar jiyo 
Tume dekh kar koi aur bi jeeta hai. 

Good Things Come To Those, Who Wait, 
Better Things Come To Those, Who Try 
Best Things Come To Those, Who Believe 
Desired Things Come To Those Who Pray. 

Impossible is a word 
To be found only 
In the dictionary of fools. - Napoleon Bonaparte 
Life is a rope 
That swings us through hope 
Always believe today is better than yestrday 
Tomorow will be much better than today. 

Motivation is what gets you started. 
Habit is what keeps you going. 

Every thing in life is under control,only when you are moving very slowly in your life" 

Enjoy the chastity in your youthful hue 
Kiss your dreams like morning dew 
Don't let tears to create rough strife 
Your dreams will break the iron cage of life. 

It's hard to beat a person who never gives up. - Babe Ruth 

TRY is a small word that can make a Big Difference..... 
If we TRY, we only RISK FAILURE, but if we don’t TRY then we ENSURE FAILURE. 

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, 
The mind of man can achieve. - Napoleon Hill 

Always have the determination of a Mirror, 
Which never loses its ability to reflect 
In spite of it being broken into pieces! 
Keep shining! 

We meet 2 create memories n we depart 2 preserve them, 
2 meet n depart is the way of life, 
But 2 depart n meet is hope of life. 

Sometimes prayer does not change the situation, 
But it changes our attitude towards the situation 
& gives us hope which changes our entire life. 

A sunset here is a Sunrise on the other end of the world 
We must NEVER give up. 
What appears to be the end may actually be a 
New Beginning 

It is better to deserve honors 
And not have them than to have them 
And not deserve them. - Mark Twain 

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. 

Life spent with someone 
For a lifetime may be meaningless, 
But a few moments spent 
With someone who really loves U, 
Means more than a life itself! 
 *** Think of the gains you've made in business, 
Not the losses you've incurred; 
Think of the good of you that's spoken, 
Not some cruel, hostile word; 

If you're made of the right material, 
A hard fall is bound to result in a high bounce. 

There is no 
Such thing 
In anyone's life 
As an unimportant day. - Alexander Woollcott 

When snake is alive, 
Snake eat Ants. 
Wen snake dead, 
Ants eat snake. 
Time can turn at any time. 
Don’t neglect anyone in life. 

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything. 
They just make the most of everything that comes along their way. 

If You Are Successful 
You Will Win Some False Friends 
Some True Enemies 
Succeed Anyway 

Avoid competency traps. 
Do not stay only where you are good at things, 
Go out and be challenged. 

Don't quack like a duck.. 
Soar like an eagle. - Ken Blanchard 

Let us all take more responsibility, 
Not only for ourselves and our families 
But for our communities and our country. 

Life is not a rehearsal. 
Each day is a new show. 
No repeat, not rewind, not retake. 
So give your best shot 
In all your acts. 
As the show goes on and on. 

To achieve something you've never achieved before, 
you must become someone you've never been before.

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, 
But small ones surround us every day. 

At least three times every day 
Take a moment and ask yourself 
What is really important. 
Have the wisdom and the courage 
To build your life around your answer. - Lee Jampolsky 

Opportunities are like sunrises. 
If you wait too long, 
You miss them. - William Arthur Ward 
Whatever you are by nature, keep to it, 
Never desert your line of talent. 
Be what nature intended you for 
You for sure will succeed.

When problems are so big 
Your strength is no longer enough to carry them, 
Don't give up. 
Cause Where your strength ends, 
The grace of GOD begins. 

Coins always make sound but 
The currency notes are always silent. 
So, when your value increases 
Keep yourself calm and silent. 

Whenever you are Criticized, don't get Upset. 
Always remember this..... 
No stones are thrown on a Fruitless Tree. 

It is never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot 

Work as though you would live forever, 
And live as though you would die today. - Og Mandino 

Above all, challenge yourself. 
You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, 
What you can accomplish. - Cecile M. Springer 

If you don't risk anything, 
Then you risk even more. - Erica Jong 

Success is Not Permanent 
& Failure is Not Final! 
So, Never Stop Working after Success 
& Never Stop Trying after Failure 

Do you know..? 
Why a car's windscreen is so large 
And the rearview mirror so small? 
Your past is not as important as your future. 
So Look ahead and move on ! 

Problems R like little stones 
If U keep them near ur eyes they will hide ur vision 
If U keep them at a distance U will see how small they are. 

It's not the oath that makes us believe the man, 
But the man who says the oath. - Aeschylus 

A beautiful qoute of the day ! 
If you can't be a pencil 
To write anyone's happiness, 
Then atleast try to be a nice rubber, 
To erase everyone's sorrow. 

A Determined Person Will Do More With A Pan And Paper 
A Lazy Person Will Accomplish With A Personal Computer  
Mistakes are embarrassing, 
When they happen. 
But years later, 
You have a collection of mistakes, 
Called Experience, 
Which leads you to Success.. 

The older I grow, the more I listen to people who don't say much. - Germain G. Glidden 

Never give up and sit and grieve. Find another way. - Satchel Paige

The kind of commitment I find among the best performers 
across virtually every field is a single-minded passion for what they do,
an unwavering desire for excellence in the way they think and 
the way they work. Genuine confidence is what launches you out of bed in the morning,
and through your day with a spring in your step. - Jim Collins 

It is good to remember the past but don't let the past capture your future. 
The greatest thing about life is that it moves ahead and never goes back. 
Just remember when it moves ahead, a new beginning starts. 

When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: 
you most likely turned your back on the world. 

Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." 
Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, 
And better tools will be found as you go along. - Napoleon Hill 

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; 
But often we look so long at the closed door that 
We do not see the one which has opened for us. 

Don't Ask God To Guide Your Footsteps 
If You're Not Willing To Move Your Feet

Not doing more than average is what keeps the average down. - William M. Winans 

Do not worry about failure
Worry about all the chances 
You miss when you don't try. 
Good Morning. 

If you deliberately plan on being less 
Than you are capable of being, 
Then I arn you that you'll be 
Unhappy for the rest of your life. - Abraham H. Maslow 

Enjoy the little things, 
For one day you may look back 
And realize they were the big things. 

Trust yourself 
Create D Kind Of Self that 
You'll B Happy 2 Live with 
All Ur life 
Make D Most Of yourself 
By Fanning D Tiny, inner 
Sparks Of Possibility In 
2 Flames Of Achievements  : 
A R RAHMAN Salary was Rs.500 
2007 AIRTEL THEME music - his salary was Rs.10 crores. 

The future belongs to those 
Who believe in 
The beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt 

Life has no rewinds no forwards. 
It unfolds itself at its own pace. 
So never miss a chance to live today 
To make a beautiful story of tomorrow! 
Good Morning! 

If we wait for the moment when everything, 
Absolutely everything is ready, 
We shall never begin. - Ivan Turgenev 

There is only one person 
Who could ever make you happy, 
And that person is 

A mind, like a home, 
Is furnished by its owner, 
So if ones life is cold and bare 
He can blame none but himself. 

When there is confusion between your heart and mind, 
Don't listen to your mind because mind knows everything 
But your heart knows only U. 

People often say that 
Motivation doesn't last. 
Well, neither does bathing - 
That's why we recommend it daily. - Zig Ziglar 

If you lose an opportunity, 
Don't close your eyes with tears. 
Keep your vision clear, 
So that you don't miss the second chance 

A Clay Pot Having Milk Will Be Ranked Higher Than A Golden Pot Having Posion. 
It's Not Our Outer Glamour But Our Inner Virtues That Make Us Valuable . . . ;-> 

Do not confuse motion and progress. 
A rocking horse keeps moving but 
Does not make any progress. - Alfred A. Montapert 

Success is like your own shadow, 
If you try to catch then you will never succeed. 
Ignore it and walk in your own way. 
It will follow you. 

Beginning today, you can increase your accomplishments 
of yesterday by a hundredfold. - Og Mandino 

Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. 
Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; 
Your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil. - James Allen 
When we can identify a problem and face the problem with 
confidence and enthusiasm, the solution is on the way. - Zig Ziglar 

Its not Ur Mistke if you cant read d Eyes whch Cheat you, 
But its realy Ur Mistke if U cant Read d Eyes whch Care 4 you. 

Keep Your Thoughts Positive, Because Your Thoughts Become Your Words. 
Keep Your Words Positive, Because Your Words Become Your Actions. 
Keep Your Actions Positive, Because Your Actions Become Your Habits. 
Keep Your Habits Positive, Because Your Habits Become Your Lifestyle. 
Keep Your Lifestyle Positive, Because Your Lifestyle Becomes Your Destiny. 

We spend our days 
Waiting for the Ideal path 
To appear in front of us. 
But what we forget that, 
Paths are made by walking. 

True Relation 
When someone hurts you 
And you didn't hurt back. 
When someone shouts at you 
And you didn't shout back. 
But when someone needs you 
You always come back. 

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look 
so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we
do not see the one that has opened for us. - Alexander Graham Bell 

When I'm under the gun and i've got pressure on me, I don't panic.
 I look for the right solution, and then I go for it. - Magic Johnson 

A good man is guided by his honesty, 
The evil man is destroyed by his dishonesty. 

The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination;
 it is essentially a part of it 

Smile is electricity and life is battery.whatever 
You Smile the Battery gets charges and a Beautiful 
Day is activated. 

Success will nevr lower its standard 
To accomodate us, 
We have to raise our standard to achieve it. 
For every bird GOD provides Food, 
But not in the Nest. 

The Sign Of 
Is Not 
We Start Speaking 
Bari Bari Baatein 
Actually It Is, 
We Start Understanding 
Choti Choti Baatein 

We must stop assuming that a thing which has never been done
 before probably cannot be done at all. - Donald M. Nelson 

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, 
But it will annoy enough people 
To make it worth the effort. - Herm Albright 

I would tell young people to 
Start where they are with what they have and 
That the secret of a big success is starting with a 
Small success and dreaming bigger and bigger dreams, 
I would tell them also that a young Black woman or 
A young Black man can't dream too much today or 
Dare too much if he or she works hard, perseveres and 
Dedicates themselves to excellence. - John H. Johnson 
Never expect things to happen.. 
Struggle and make them happen. 
Never expect yourself to be given a good value 
Create a value of your own. 

Ah, but a man's reach 
Should exceed his grasp, 
Or what's a heaven for? - Robert Browning 

A teacher asked what is forgiveness..? 
A cute little girl gave this lovely reply: 
It is the wonderful smell that 
A flower gives when it is being crushed. 

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. 
Live the life you've imagined. - Henry David Thoreau 

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. 
Action always generates inspiration. 
Inspiration seldom generates action. - Frank Tibolt 

To be yourself in a world 
That is constantly trying to 
Make you something else is 
The greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

You can win life 
By all means 
If you simply avoid 
Two things: 

Problem can either make u or break u. 
The hammer that breaks glass can shape steel. 
It's upto us to b glass or steel. 
Hav a willpower of steel & Vision of glass! 

A beautiful thaought. 
Always learn the wisdom of compromise, 
Its better to bend a little 
Rather than 
To break any relation forever. 

People will always throw 
Stones in your path. 
What you make from it. 
A wall or A Bridge. 

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. 
Thoughts are things!
 And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, 
and burning desire, can be translated into riches. - Napoleon Hill 

Man's mind, 
Once stretched by a new idea, 
Never regains its original dimensions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr 

Everyone In Our Life 
Is Going To Hurt Us 
Sooner Or Later! 
But we Have To Decide 
What is More Important? 
The Pain 
The Person! 

I've found that luck is quite predictable. 
If you want more luck, take more chances. 
Be more active. Show up more often. - Brian Tracy 

If a man does only what is required of him, 
He is a slave. 
If a man does more than is required of him, 
He is a free man. 
The More You Sweat In The Training
The Less You Bleed In The Battle  

What a different story people would have to tell if they
 would adopt a definite purpose and stand by that purpose 
until it had time to become an all-consuming purpose.

The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting 
otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem 

There are things known, and there are things unknown. 
And in between are the doors. 

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, 
Not a hope, not a wish, 
But a keen pulsating desire, 
Which transcends everything. - Napoleon Hill 

The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. 

Happines is like a Butterfly 
You run After it, 
It keeps flying away but, 
If you stand still 
It comes and sit on you. 
Wish You lots of BUTTERFLIES. 

Champions aren't made in the gym. 
Champions are made from something 
They have deep inside a Desire, a Dream, a Vision. 

Our greatest glory 
Is not in never failing 
But in rising up every time we fail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

A race horse that consistently 
Runs just 1 second faster 
Than others is worth millions of dollars more. 
Don't compromise on 2nd position in life. 


A mud pot filled with milk 
Will always rand higher than 
A gold pot filled with poison. 
Its not our outer glamour 
But our inner virtues 
That make us valueable!! 

I do not ask for any crown but that which all may win; 
Nor try to conquer any world except the one within. - Louisa May Alcott 

I just feel that my competitive drive is 
Far greater than anyone else that i've met, 
And I think that I thrive on that. - Michael Jordan 
Failure is a word I don't accept. - John H. Johnson 

We live in dreams but dreams my die. 
Don't got shatred and never cry. 
The world is big and has lot to give. 
Pick a new dream and start to live. 

Life Will Never Provide 
Warranties and Guarantees 
It Can Only Provide 
Possibilities and Opportunities 
To Convert Them intosuccess !!! 

The secret of health for both mind and body 
Is not to mourn for the past, 
Not to worry about the future, 
Nor to anticipate troubles, 
But to live in the present 
Moment wisely and earnestly. 

I asked myself how to handle life's affairs. 
My room gave me perfect answer. 
Roof said: Aim high 
Fan: Be cool 
Clock: Value time 
Calendar: Be up 2 date 
Wallet: Save now 4 future 
Mirror: Observe yourself 
Wall: Share other's load 
Window: Expand the vision 
Floor: Always be down 2 earth 

In life u'll never know wat u've been missing until it arrives! 
& u'll never know wat u've got until its missing.. 
Appreciate every li'l thing u have.. 

What's greater than mother's Love? 
Which pillow is better than a loved one's Lap? 
What's warmer than father's Hug? 
What's sweetest than a baby's Kiss..? 
Who's company is better than a Friends..? 
What's tastier than mother's cooking? 
There are somethings in life 
Which have no substitutes. 

If u want to make 
God really laugh, 
Just tel him your 
Future plans 
God will Laugh at your Innocence 
Because he has something better than you desires.! 

The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because 
they want to be just like you. 

Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, 
Unless you eat some of what's on that plate. 
Being in America doesn't make you an American. 
Being born in America doesn't make you an American 
Proud it where ever you from. 

The mind, ever the willing servant, will respond to boldness, for boldness, 
in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources. - Norman Vincent Peale 

You can do anything you think you can.
 This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods, 
for through it you can solve every human problem.
 It should make of you an incurable optimist. It is the open door 

Don't limit yourself. 
Many people limit themselves to 
What they think they can do. 
You can go as far as your mind lets you. 
What you believe, remember, you can achieve. - Mary Kay Ash 

Think of the days of health and pleasure, 
Not the days of woe and pain; 
Think of the days alive with sunshine, 
Not the dismal days of rain. 

If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.
Prayer isn't a spare wheel that 
You pull out when you are in trouble. 
Use it as a steering wheel that 
Keep you on right path through out the life. 

It is hard to fail, 
But it is worse never 
To have tried to succeed. - Theodore Roosevelt 

Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit. - Napoleon Hill 

The turning point, I think, was when I really realized that 
you can do it yourself.
That you have to believe in you because sometimes that's 
the only person that does believe in your success but you. - Tim Blixseth 

We work for a better tommorow,but when "tommorow"comes,
instead of enjoying,we again think of a better tommorow. 
So,let us have a better today. 

Oh GOD:- 
Include me among your 
Blessed ones not among talented. 
Because I have seen many talented ones 
Serving your blessed ones. 

Never reject a day in your life. 
Because: Good Day gives you happiness 
And Bad Day gives you experience. 
Both are essential in life. 
Enjoy everyday of your life. 

There is no end. 
There is no beginning. 
There is only the 
Infinite passion of life. - Federico Fellini 


All successful people men and women are big dreamers. 
They imagine what their future could be, 
Ideal in every respect, 
And then they work every day 
Toward their distant vision, 
That goal or purpose. - Brian Tracy 

Faith makes all things possible. 
Hope makes all things work. 
Love makes all things beautiful. 
May you have all the three 
For today and everyday. 

Falling down is not defeat 
Defeat is when you refuse to get up 
Even the word IMPOSIBLE says 

Let others lead small lives, but not you. 
Let others argue over small things,but not you. 
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. 
Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you. - Jim Rohn 

Life is not a music player to listen to ur favourite songs.. 
It is a Radio! 
U must adjust urself to every frequency! 
Enjoy watever comes in it.. Thats reality! :-) 

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every 
experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.
 You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt 
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right. - Henry Ford 

Strong, deeply rooted desire is the starting point of all achievement. - Napoleon Hill 

God didn't have time to make a nobody, only a somebody. 
I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us 
Waiting to be brought to fruition. - Mary Kay Ash 

Don't compare yourself 
With anyone in this world. 
If you do so, you are 
Insulting yourself. 

We love ourselves even after 
Making so many mistakes. 
Then how can we hate others 
For their one mistakes. 
Seems strange but true. 

Expecting the world to treat u fairly, 
Because u r a good person, 
Is like expecting the lion not to attack u, 
Because u r a vegetarian.. 
Think about it.. 

Anger blows out the candle of the mind. - R. G. Ingersoll 

The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough
 to stare up the steps - we must step up the stairs. - Vance Havner 

Life is all about a card game. 
Choosing the right cards is not in our hand. 
But playing well with 
The cards in hand, determines our Success. 

Don't Fear For Facing Failure In The First Attempt, Because Even The 
Successful Maths Starts With ZERO Only. 

The greatest mistake you can make in this life is to be
 continually fearing you will make one. - Elbert Hubbard 

I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of 
Desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, 
Doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. 
And I know for sure that there is no them.. There's only us. - Oprah Winfrey 

Hardest moment is not that 
When you lose something 
And tears come out of your eyes. 
But its the one 
When you lose something 
And still you manage to smile. 

If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great. 

In cat and mouse run, 
Mouse mostly wins 
Cat runs for the food 
And mouse for life. 
The fear of loss is always a 
Better motivation than 
The desire of gain. 
Thoughts for Life. 
If you want peace! 
Don't complain about others. 
Change yourself! 
Because, Its easier to protect your feet 
With slippers than to carpet (the whole earth) 

Each of us has much more hidden inside us than 
we have had a chance to explore.
 Unless we create an environment that enables us
 to discover the limits of our potential, we will never 
know what we have inside of us. - Muhammad Yunus 

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday 
And the worries of tomorrow, 
You have no today to be thankful for. 

All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, 
Imagination is the workshop of your mind, 
Capable of turning mind energy 
Into accomplishment and wealth. - Napoleon Hill 

In Rain all Birds Find Shelter 
EAGLE avoids Rain by Flying above the Clouds
Problem is common for all but ATTITUDE makes the Difference 

Think of the blessings that surround you, 
Not the ones that are denied; 
Think of the virtues of your friendships, 
Not the weak and faulty side. 

Failure is not an event, but rather a judgement about an event. 
Failure is not something that happens to us or 
A label we attach to things. It is a way we think about outcomes. 

When Flood Comes 
Fish Eat Ants 
When Flood Goes Down 
Ants Eat Fish 
Time Matters  
GOD Gives Opportunity To Everyone. 

You were born with potential. 
You were born with goodness and trust. 
You were born with ideals and dreams. 
You were born with greatness. 
You were born with wings. 
You are not meant for crawling, so don't. 
You have wings. 
Learn to use them and fly. - Rumi 

You gain strength, courage and confidence 
By every experience in which you really 
Stop to look fear in the face. 
You must do the thing that you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt 

People become really quite remarkable 
When they start thinking that they can do things. 
When they believe in themselves 
They have the first secret of success. - Norman Vincent Peale 

Always bear in mind that 
Your own resolution to succeed 
Is more important than any one thing. - Abraham Lincoln 


Present is EXPERIMENT 
So use your experiences 
In your experiments 
To achieve your expectations. 
 ***  Heated gold becomes Ornaments. 
Bated copper becomes wires. 
Depleted stones becomes statues. 
So the more pain you get in 
Life you will become more valueable. 

What we can or cannot do, 
What we consider possible or impossible, 
Is rarely a function of our true capability. 
It is more likely a function of our 
Beliefs about who we are. - Anthony Robbins 

Time is like the water of a river. 
You can't touch the same water twice. 
The flow that has passed 
Will never pass again. 
Enjoy every moment of life. 

Power of One . . . 
One tree can start a forest 
One flower can awaken the dream 
One smile begins a friendship 
One laugh will conquer a gloom 
One candle destroys the darkness 
One sunbeam lights a room 
One breath brings life eternal 
One path will lead you home 
One touch can show you care 
One word must start each prayer 
One heart can know what is true 
One life can make the difference 
& That One Is You ! ! ! 

Dance as if no ones watching, 
Love as if its never going to hurt. 

Read this slowly 
What did u read? 
Life is No where 
Life is Now here! 
Just a beautiful line 2 say 
life depends on the way we look at it 

Bad Gardens copy, good gardens create, 
Great gardens transcend. - Ken Wilber 

You never fail until you stop trying.

Explain to people that everything they say is an affirmation. 
Everything they think is an affirmation. 
Everything! What you want to do is to 
Get control of what you are saying and thinking, 
So these things bring you good experiences in 
Life rather than rotten experiences. - Louise Hay 

Are you bored with life? 
Then throw yourself into some work 
You believe in with all your heart, 
Live for it, 
Die for it, 
And you will find happiness that 
You had thought could never be yours. - Dale Carnegie 

You will never possess 
What you are unwilling to pursue. - Mike Murdock 

There are only two ways to live your life. 
One is as though nothing is a miracle. 
The other is as if everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein 

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