Dairy Technologists

Amul has spurred the White Revolution of India...
Amul has spurred the White Revolution of India, which has made India the largest producer of milk and milk products in the world. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Job Description:
There are two main types of jobs in dairy industry- the first pertains to production and the second to processing. Processing involves handling of milk for distribution or its conversion into dairy products. Dairy Technologists mainly deal with processing aspect and also work to develop improved methods in production, preservation and utilization of milk, and milk products.
Educational Qualification:
BTech/Diploma In Dairy Technology
22 Institutes offering BTech/diploma courses in Dairy Technology under Career Fields E&T and Course Type (a) Graduate (b) Diploma
(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
Opportunities for dairy technologists exist in both the public as well as in the private sector. In the public sector co–operatives, Federations and Rural Banks provide ample scope for the dairy technologists. In the private sector, openings can be available with private enterprises that manufacture and market milk products. A large number of dairy technologists also own dairy business or work as consultants.
Starting salary is Rs. 8,000 per month (excluding other allowances)
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