Shortage of skill in Various Sectors in India

The projected growth rates in industry and services sectors are expected to generate 60 millions job opportunities during 2006-12 and 156 million during 2006-16, 96 million during 2013-2016

Semi-skilled and skilled labour: The shortage of factory workers and construction labourers is already being felt across industries.
Logo of FICCI
Logo of FICCI 
Engineering industry is growing at a fast pace will be major requirement of skilled/talented manpower in this sector
Food industry is fast-expanding, need professional food scientists and technicians in great number.
Media and Entertainment: The demand for animation production services from India is growing. This has opened up innumerable opportunities for students of Design, Fine Arts and Mass Communication.
Biotechnology sector: 80 % shortfall of doctorate and post doctorate scientists.
Food processing sector: 65 % shortfall of refrigeration mechanics, electricians’ etc. 70 % shortfall of food safety personnel Additional 21 million new jobs in merchandise trade
IT and BPO sector could employ 9 million persons directly and indirectly
• Raising the rate of growth of manufacturing to 12 % could create 1.6 to 2.9 million direct jobs annually, and another 2-3 times that number indirectly.
Retail Sector - demand of 3-5 lakh trained people in the northern region alone. This sector would throw up 2 million employment .
Leather - Based on increased targets for export and domestic demand, it would generate 3 million additional jobs by 2022
Civil Aviation - Needs 5400 pilots by the end of the 11th plan. Thereafter, there would be requirement of at least 150 pilots per year as replacements for retirements and normal attrition.
Construction sector with a current employment of over 30 million is to witness boom by an annual growth rate of 30% in infrastructure. It would translate large no. of jobs far short of the employable skill available
Health sector: Shortage of 5 lakh doctors and 10 lakh Nurses.
IT sector : Shortage of 5 lakhs (half a million) engineers.
Education sector: Faculty shortage of 25-40 percent.
Automobiles: employment expected to increase to 25million by 2015-16 from current 10.5 million, majority in the shop floor of auto manufacturing
Logistics: will grow in tandem with growth in trade, aviation and tourism
Banking and Finance sector: 50-80 percent personnel shortage.
Aviation sector: Severe shortage of pilots and ground duty officials.
Textile sector: employ 35 million directly, besides 55 million in its allied sector. Expected to generate additional 14million jobs
Pharma sector: Severe shortage of top pharma scientists as research expenditure by pharma companies has quadrupled in the last 5 years. Thus there is a shortage of middle-level and junior scientists too. This has made salaries of top pharma scientists rise to US levels.
Project Management Services-this labour intensive sector will grow with growth in corporate structure, infrastructure & retail industry
Source: Data compiled from (FICCI report, New Delhi); (NASSCOM); (NASSCOM McKinsey Report 2006); (Press Release, Ministry of Com. & Ind. April 7, 2006); (Presentation made by NMCC to National Advisory Council, February 18, 2006) (IL&FS, 2008)
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