Doing Business in India

India Gate
India Gate (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Why Do Business In India
·         Strategic location having access to the vast domestic and South Asian market.
·         One of the largest pools of skilled English speaking manpower i.e. scientists, engineers, technicians and managers in the world available at highly competitive costs.
·         Policy environment that provides freedom of entry, investment, location, choice of technology, production, import and export.
·         A long history of stable parliamentary democracy.
·         A large and rapidly growing consumer market.
Establishing a Business Presence In India
o    Foreign investors can directly set up operation in India through the following routes:
·         Liaison office / Representative office
·         Project office
·         Branch office
·         By Establishing an Indian entity
o    Wholly Owned  Subsidiary
o    Joint Venture with an Indian  Company
·         Other routes
Liaison/Representative Office - Scope of Activities
·         Testing the waters without committing major resources.
·         Developing trade relations.
·         Collecting market information.
·         Inspection & coordination of purchases for export to parent company.
·           Regulatory / legal framework
·         Office expenses to be  met through foreign exchange remittance from Head Office abroad.
·         No business activity permitted.
·         Prior RBI approval required.
·         Liaison office not taxed.
·         Regular filings with Registrar of Companies (ROC).
Project Office - Scope of Activities
·         Office for undertaking a specific project.
·         Approvals granted for both Government approved and private sector projects.
·           Regulatory / legal framework
·         Specific approval to be obtained from RBI’s regional office.
·         Regular ROC filings to be made.
Branch Office - Scope of Activities
·         Scope of activities larger than that of a liaison office.
·         Represent parent or other foreign company as buying/selling agent.
·         Research in the sector in which the parent company is involved.
हिन्दी: ताजमहल English: Taj Mahal, Agra, India...
हिन्दी: ताजमहल English: Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Deutsch: Taj Mahal im indischen Agra. Español: Vista del Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Français : Le Taj Mahal, à Âgrâ, en Inde. Русский: Мавзолей Тадж-Махал, Агра, Индия. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
·         Render professional or consultancy services.
·         Undertake export/import trading activities.
·           Regulatory / legal framework
·         Prior RBI approval to be obtained.
·         Regular filings to be made with the ROC.
·         Own manufacturing activities not permitted.
·         Taxed @ 42% (including surcharge) of profits of Indian branch.
Foreign Investment Guidelines
o    Automatic Approval Route
·         No government or RBI approval required for investment within specified sectoral caps.
o    FIPB Approval Route
·         Sector specific requirements
·         Previous joint venture or technology transfer / trademark
o    agreement in India
·         Incorporation of an Indian company –private or public
·         Specific FIPB approval to be sought if investment does not qualify for automatic approval.
·         Corporate tax @ 35%.
·           Specifics to keep in mind while deciding the nature of the company
·         Private company to have minimum 2 members and a minimum paid up capital of Rs. 1,00,000/- (approx USD 2000)
·         Public company to have minimum 7 members and a minimum paid up capital of  Rs. 5,00,000/-. (approx USD 10,000)
Setting up a Joint Venture Company
·         Approval requirement depending on sector in which investment is made.
·         Taxation as applicable to an Indian company.
·         Both the principal investment and the income are allowed to be repatriated outside India without restrictions.
·         Dividend taxable in the hands of the shareholder.
·           Running of the Indian company set up through a joint venture or as a wholly owned subsidiary
·         Meetings
·         ROC filings
·         Labour And Employment
·         Taxation
o    Taxation of foreign personnel in India
o    Tax treaties
Other Routes to invest in India
·         Technical Collaboration
o   Investing in an existing Indian company
§  Fresh issue of shares by an Indian company
§  Purchase of Existing Shares in an Indian company by way of transfer
o   Foreign Institutional Investor

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