HAS (Himachal Pradesh Administrative Services)

Map of India showing location of Himachal Pradesh
Map of India showing location of Himachal Pradesh (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Initially, a (Preliminary) objective type of examination consisting of 2 papers based on multiple choice questions, on the following pattern will be held at Shimla, Solan, Mandi, Dharamsala, Nahan and Una centres:- 
Paper-I General Studies 
(Objective type 150 questions consisting of 1 mark each question). Duration of the paper will be three hours. 
Paper-II Optional Paper 
(There shall be 150 questions of one mark each for a total of 150 marks. Optional Paper will be selected by the candidates out of 22 Optional Subjects given in the syllabus of Preliminary examination). The duration of the paper will be three hours. A candidate must specify in his application form the Optional Subject he desires to take. 
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