What is the Eligibility for Merchant Navy?
The training of all the Indian Merchant Navy personnel is the responsibility of the Government of India, who works through the Ministry of Surface Transport. Candidates wishing to enter the navigational and engineering fields of Merchant Navy need to complete their B.Sc. degree in mechanical or marine engineering, before they can gain admission to the field. In some cases, students who have completed their 12th with PCM (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) are eligible to join as Deck Cadets. Navigating Officers - Candidates will need to obtain a Certificate of Competency, as per the regulations in India relating to the examinations of Masters and Mates. Conducted by the Ministry of Surface Transport, in association with the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) Mumbai, the examinations help determine the promotion prospects for the officers. Training for Navigating Officers
REQUIREMENTS The best training institution for the navigating officers is the T.S. Chanakya. Candidates who qualify from here, that is complete their first certificate of competency of Second Mate, need to go through a three year training in Nautical Science (B.Sc.) and then complete a year's duration of practical training in the deck department of a merchant ship.
PROMOTION On gaining the certificate for Second Mate, the officer is eligible to be posted as 2nd or