Eight Types of Job Interviews

  1. Structured InterviewQuestions are prepared before and are asked to each and every candidate so that the answers can be compared.
    This interview can be carried out in two possible ways -
    1. Set of questions in a one-on-one interview.
    2. Filling out a questionnaire form by each and every candidate.
  2. Competency based interviewsFocus on past behavior and other performance abilities of a candidate in different job-related situations.
    To predict candidate's future performance, the questions are of 3 types – leading questions, theoretical questions and behavioral questions.
  3. Group Interview

    Candidates are split into teams and each team receives a dilemma or a case to solve.
    The interview is conducted by a panel – the potential manager, human resources and future co-workers (i.e. the interviewers).
  4. Stress InterviewCandidate is interviewed by several interviewers or by an experienced interviewer.
    The interviewer tries to assess the reaction of the candidate using various psychological techniques, to stressful/negative atmosphere trying to keep the interviewer off-balance during the interview.
  5. Panel InterviewInterviewed by a panel – the supervisors, HR representative and others.
    Group or single candidate is cross interviewed..
  6. Situational Interview The candidate is asked to answer/solve several work-related situations.
  7. Case interview Candidate is required to provide a solution for a given scenario – a case.
    To evaluate the skills: problem solving, analytical thinking, presentation skills and business skills.
  8. Behavioral InterviewQuestions asked (and the answers received) to predict a candidate's future performance based on his/her actual past behaviors.
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