Important Labour And Factory Legislations In India - 1

Deutsch: Flagge der Internationale Arbeitsorga...
Deutsch: Flagge der Internationale Arbeitsorganisation English: Flag of the International Labour Organization.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Centered on the responsibility of a Factory Manager, Personnel/ HR Manager or self employed Entrepreneur.
Attention has not been made wherever the employer has nothing to do with the provisions but has only to follow the directions of the appropriate govt.
Act which makes it obligatory on the part of the employer to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the workers employed.
Act extends to the whole of India.
Applies to every factory wherein 10 or more workers are or were employed, if run with power and 20 or more workers are or were employed, if run without power.
Application to factories with fewer workers u/s 85
Hours of work (adult) not to exceed 48 hours in a week or 9 hours in a day.
        Relaxation: Where an adult worker is engaged in urgent repairs.

Important Labour And Factory Legislations In India - 2

English: Logo of the United States Department ...
English: Logo of the United States Department of Labor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

May Day (International Labour Day) rally in Mu...
May Day (International Labour Day) rally in Mumbai, India. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An Act to provide for the payment of Bonus to persons in certain establishments on the basis of profits, production or productivity.
Extends to the whole of India.
Applies to every establishment wherein 20 or more are employed
The Appropriate Govt. shall apply the Act to any other establishment, including a factory to which the Factories Act, 1948 applies, wherein less than 20 workers are employed provided the number of persons employed is not less than 10.
Eligibility to Bonus
employee whose salary/ wages does not exceed Rs 10000 per month
who has worked in the establishment for not less than 30 days
Not disqualified to claim bonus due to fraud, theft or any other misconduct
Bonus of very person drawing salary between Rs 3500/- and Rs 10000/- per month shall be calculated as if his salary were Rs 3500 pm
For calculating the number of working days
the days for which the worker has been laid off
the days he has been on leave with pay
the days he has been absent due to temporary disablement caused by an employment injury
the days a woman employee has been on maternity leave
shall be taken in to account.
Rate of Bonus
Minimum :8.33% of salary/wages
Maximum 20% of salary/wages
Computation of bonus as per Schedule I to IV of the Act.
Adjust any interim bonus paid while making payment of the final bonus.
Disputes on Bonus
The Bonus Act does not provide for any machinery to resolve disputes relating to bonus. For this, the Industrial Dispute Act shall be referred to.
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