Join Indian Air Force

Joining the Air Force as a Commissioned Officer is a matter of PRIDE for the enthusiastic and keen young individuals. Their desire of an adventurous and secured life with attractive pay and perks motivates them to join the defense services than any other salaried jobs.
Air Force renders invaluable services to the country both in times of war as well as in peace; protecting the security of our nation from external threat. Air Force welcomes highly motivated patriots and well disciplined young citizens to join as Officers.
Air Force constitutes three main branches viz. Flying, Technical and Ground Duty. Flying Branch mainly consists of pilots of fighter aircraft, transport and helicopters pilot and navigators. Major tasks of the Air force are that of Flying; be it Combat Aircraft, Transport plane or a Helicopter.  Other tasks include Technical, Administrative, Financial and planning duties. 
Air Force also runs some hospitals and clinics. Medical Officers and allied junior staff provide treatment to all Armed Forces.
Administrative Officer
Job Description:

Indian Foreign Service Officers

Passport Office, Old GT Road
Passport Office, Old GT Road (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Indian Administrative Service (IAS) Officers

Progression of IAS officers in State and Cente...
Progression of IAS officers in State and Center Government (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Job Description:
IAS Officers are trained to handle government affairs. Their main work, especially at the centre, involves formulation and implementation of policies pertaining to a particular area e.g. finance, commerce, etc. In the process of policy formulation and decision making officers at various levels like joint secretary, deputy secretary make their contributions and the final shape to the policy is given or a final decision is taken with the concurrence of the minister concerned or the cabinet depending upon the gravity the issue. At the district level, these officers are mainly concerned with district affairs, including implementation of developmental programs. At the beginning of his career an IAS joins the state administration at the divisional level, as a sub-magistrate, and looks after law and order, general administration and development work in the area under his charge.
Educational Qualification:

Competitive Examinations for Railway Jobs In India

Those who are looking for Government job should zero in on railways competitive examination. Being the second largest Railway system in the world, Indian Railways generates lots of jobs every year to the Indian Nationals. In fact railway is largest employer in India. The broadly divided Zones of Indian Railways and its Divisions have technical and non-technical departments to which the recruitment is done through Competitive Exams. These Exams are conducted by Union public service commission (UPSC) and Railway Recruitment Board (RRB). 
The entry is done through three different channels:
  • Group A
  • Group B
  • Indian Railways Logo
    Indian Railways Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  • Group C
Group A officers are recruited by UPSC through:
  • Civil Service Examination for Indian Railway Traffic Services (IRTS) and the Indian Railways Accounts Services (IRAS)
  • Combined Engineering Service for Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE), Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE), Indian Railway Services of Signal Engineers (IRSSE) and Indian Railway Store Service (IRSS)
Group B officers are directly promoted from Group C.
Group C officers are recruited through the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB). The 19 Railway Recruitment Boards in India (RRBs) have been functioning as prime recruiting agencies for all Zonal Railways, Production Units and other extra Zonal units of the Indian Railways. The Group C posts include assistant station masters, drivers, motormen, guards, signal and mechanical inspectors. Here again, staff are divided into technical and non-technical staff.
For Group A Services of Indian railways and related details, Readers can read details from UPSC Exams section.

For the Group A services, the following Examinations are
conducted by Railway Recruitment Board:

•           Technical Cadre Examination
•           Non-technical Cadre Examination
•           RPF Sub-Inspectors / Constables Examination
•           Railway recrutment board, Allahabad Results
•           Railway Recruitment Board, Jammu
•           Railway Recruitment Board, Gorakhpur
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