Leadership Styles

What is a Leader?
A Leader is someone in authority to lead others to accomplish a goal(s).  A leader needs to be able to motivate others to accomplish a goal(s) while at the same time encourage others to work toward their own professional goals.
3 Styles of Leadership
·         Authoritarian    
·         Tells employees/students what they want done and how to do it (without getting the advice from others).
·         Works well if you dont have much time to accomplish goals or if employees are well motivated.
·         Generally, this style is not a good way to get the best performance from a team.
·         Participative style

5 Points for Self Development

Česky: ERCP - kamen ve žlučovodu English: Fluo...
 The stone is impacted in the distal common bile duct. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  1. I'm always positive
  2. I don't compare myself with other
  3. I'm a quick decision maker
  4. I love myself
  5. I am a disciplined person
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