American Work Culture

English: 5$ silver certificate, depicting Amer...
English: 5$ silver certificate, depicting American Indian (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The United States, the work environment is both professional and causal as well. Don’t be surprised if you see people bring their pets to work! The work culture and dress code here are different than in India. Schedules are flexible, and the atmosphere is informal .
The office environment is informal, and there is no apparent hierarchy between managers and their subordinates. Employees are treated as equals, and independent views are welcomed.
United States
United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
American work culture involves a lot of meetings. These meetings need not deal with big decisions, but are more like discussions, and are centered on the analyzing, planning and review of any project. Opinions and ideas are shared, and objections are made.
Normal office timings go from 8 AM to 5 PM. You do need to maintain a minimum of 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. Results matter more than anything; you must be able to deliver on demand.
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